I’m just like the girl next door, but with bigger hair and a smidge more sarcasm.

I’m just like the girl next door, but with bigger hair and a smidge more sarcasm.

People used to say, “Things happen to you that do not happen to other people. You should write a book!” But a book seemed…daunting. And difficult to manage while watching Days of Our Lives, so I decided to start with a blog. That’s how For Whom the Belle Tolls came to be, tales from housewife life, encounters of the tacky kind, and musings about the things I love (and don’t love so much) about the genteel South.

You’ll quickly discover that I’m a big fan of Clemson University, Duke's mayonnaise, strong hold hairspray, and anything that sparkles–but then again, who isn’t? I suffer from a true case of ornithophobia (that’s a fear of birds, so keep your pet parrot far away from me), and I have a fondness for murder documentaries and beauty pageants, which are much more similar than you may imagine. I am always on a diet, unless there is a cocktail or a Mexican restaurant involved. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff, but I am always sweating the small stuff; thank the Lord most things can be fixed with either Amazon Prime or a hot glue gun or, all else failing, a hissy fit that I will most certainly blog about afterward.

Until I figure out exactly how to use Bitcoin to buy an island in Tahiti and make my relocation there permanent, I live in Charlotte, North Carolina with my stoically-suffering husband, Clint, and our as-friendly-as-he-is-fluffy bichon frise, Charlie.